Friday, May 31, 2013

Skynet Will Destroy Us All

Skynet Will Destroy Us All

Stop the destruction of humanity! Stop making asinine Youtube comments!

Submitted by: madfishmonger

via FAIL Blog

Mars Rat Spotted in Rover Photos?

We all know rats can get in to pretty much any nook and crevice.

But who knew they could get into outer space? And settle down on Mars?!?

A photo taken in September by NASA's Curiosity rover appears to depict some kind of furry small creature.

"Note its lighter color upper and lower eyelids, its nose and cheek areas, its ear, its front leg and stomach," writes ScottCWaring, a contributor to UFO Sightings Daily, who first picked up on the abnormality.

Others believe this is merely a rock and, similar to the Hitler tea kettle on a recent J.C. Penny billboard, Waring is just seeing what he wants to see.

So take a close look yourselves, THGers, and decide: Rat or no rat?

via The Hollywood Gossip

Funny Things All Dog Owners Will Relate To (37 pics + 1 gif)


Auxo for iPad is coming in 6 days

Auxo for iPad

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the wait is almost over. Yes, indeed, Auxo for iPad is coming to a jailbroken iPad near you in less than one week. In six days, according to a new teaser image on the tweak’s official site, Auxo for iPad will go live.

The tweak, widely regarded as the best jailbreak release of 2012, has been baking in the oven for quite some time. Many have complained about the long wait, but you can be rest assured that the wait is almost over. We will, of course, be back with a full review of Auxo for iPad.(...)

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Borrow the Car? It'll Cost Ya.

Borrow the Car? It'll Cost Ya.

Submitted by: Unknown

via FAIL Blog

Thursday, May 30, 2013

This Guy Is a Photoshop Master (39 pics)


Time Warner Cable Now Offers One Hour Service Windows, Text Message Updates in New York City

New York City customers are about to get something they’ve been clamoring for for a long time:

AS of today, Time Warner Cable is offering its customers in NYC one-hour appointment windows (through 10p.m. daily, through 11p.m. in Lower and Midtown Manhattan). We’re also offering expanded Saturday and Sunday appointments for customers who can’t take time off of work during the week.

And finally: we’re now able to text NYC customers the moment that a technician starts traveling to their appointment.

Our one-hour appointment windows are available in Manhattan, Staten Island, Bergen County, N.J. and Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Queens and Brooklyn will get one-hour windows in June. In most cases, next-day appointments are available.

We’re really confident in our service and operations improvements — so confident that we are offering a 30-day money back guarantee for new customers who switch to Time Warner Cable.

One-hour appointment windows are already available across most of our footprint. However, New York City kind of has this collective attitude that nothing is real or actually happening unless it’s happening in New York City.

If you’re interested to learn more about how we make one-hour windows work, I’d suggest checking out an excellent piece by a colleague who traveled with techs on one-hour windows in the Dallas area. Here’s an interesting excerpt, but I’d really recommend the whole post:

So how do they do it? How do TWC techs make magic happen? Homer says it’s partly thanks to a year-old software program called “Work Assure.” His fellow Dallas technicians affectionately call it “Arris”; which happens to be the name of the company that designed the software.

Arris provides Time Warner Cable dispatchers with real-time updates, including the number of techs in the field, their exact location and whether a job is taking longer than expected. If a tech is running behind and is likely to miss their next window, dispatch locates an available tech to pick up the appointment. It’s similar to the buddy system.

Along with high-tech software, TWC is also simplifying its approach. Service techs are assigned specific “management areas.” In simple terms, they’re assigned a territory. There are four “management areas” that make up the city of Dallas. On this day, Homer is covering neighborhoods in North Dallas.

In years past, it was not unusual to send techs clear across town, from one job to the other. By keeping them in one area, it reduces travel time, which greatly helps the techs keep their tight schedule. Of course, there are no guarantees. Techs are occasionally shuffled in and out of their “management areas” to assist each other or to fill voids.

“We’ve also reduced their work load,” says Rip Bollman. Rip is Manager of Technical Operations in Dallas and says the work load has been reduced nearly 20 percent, which allows the techs more time to make their next appointment. It’s a vital piece of the puzzle since time is of the essence in the world of one-hour windows.

via Time Warner Cable Untangled

Monday, May 27, 2013

Plants vs Zombies Sunflower LED Lamp

This Plants vs Zombies Sunflower USB Rechargeable Night Light is perfect for fans of the Plants VS. Zombies games. This cute lamp is USB rechargeable with energy saving LEDs. You can choose from two styles and multiple colors. The light can also be adjusted. This lamp will run for about 6-8 hours on a full [...]

via GeekAlerts

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Haha! Look! It's a Video Game Cheat Code! As a Video Game Playing Youth, GEICO Gets Me!

Haha! Look! It's a Video Game Cheat Code! As a Video Game Playing Youth, GEICO Gets Me!

I also enjoy playing SteamStation 3!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: GEICO , ads , video games , funny

via Monday Thru Friday

Friday, May 24, 2013

Free Burgers for Life: Awarded to Charles Ramsey

Charles Ramsey will never pay for a burger in Cleveland again.

The man who helped free Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight from their captors in early May - and whose subsequent interview (below) made him a viral sensation - has received a card that's good at over a dozen local restaurants, according to The Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Charles Ramsey Interview
Charles Ramsey Interview

Ramsay mentioned McDonald's in his account of the rescue with reporters, leading many in the area to push that chain to honor the local hero.

So Scott Kuhn of the Driftwood Restaurant Group went ahead and came up with "The Chuck Card," which he says is "good for life" at many eateries in the city.

"We want to honor our local hero with local food," Kuhn told the newspaper. "He stopped his meal midway through to help those women. We're now making sure he has other opportunities to go out and fully enjoy his burger."

What a happy, delicious ending to a very sad story.

via The Hollywood Gossip

Rules You Should Know to Follow without Being Told (33 pics)


Amusing and Slightly Mean Roommate Trolls (21 pics)


Mobile game downloads mostly made from word-of-mouth


Did you hear about this new iOS game? You’ve got to try it. Ca-ching. That, in a nutshell, is how most mobile games are downloaded. The majority of mobile users download games based on word-of-mouth from friends or family, a new survey indicates. What’s more, most folks download at most five titles per month, spending about three hours playing over the course of a week, according to Applifier…(...)

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We Saved a Spot for You!

We Saved a Spot for You!

Submitted by: Unknown

via FAIL Blog

Yelp Addresses “Extortion” Rumors In Blog Post


I know a lot of people who won’t trust Yelp reviews. The reasons vary: People may be smart, but the public is dumb, and they criticize for stupid reasons. Libelous business owners flock to the site to smear their competition. Unethical ones get every relative and friend to praise them, making their reviews suspect. The list goes on and on.

yelp-review-filter11 But one of the most damaging rumors alleges that Yelp actually gets involved and helps or hinders a shop’s reputation, based on whether it advertises on the site.

The Yelp extortion rumors have been making the rounds for a while, but more fuel was added to the fire when several outspoken business owners got press recently from places like the Los Angeles Times , Business Insider and The Washington Post . Many of the claims involved Yelp’s filtering process, as the accusers alleged that the site manipulated the reviews for their own gain.

Seems the company has had enough. On Wednesday, Yelp PR guru Vince Sollitto came out and addressed the issue head on in a blog post that denied the accusations.

“Ironically, it stems from Yelp’s efforts to protect consumers from those who are constantly trying to game the system. Yelp uses automated software to showcase the most helpful and reliable reviews from among the millions submitted. Those that don’t make the grade — about 20 percent — are posted to a separate “Filtered Review” page. So, in trying to prevent unethical wrongdoing on Yelp, Yelp gets accused of the same.”

But, he acknowledges, the filters aren’t infallible.

“One downside of having automated software screen more than 39 million reviews is that some perfectly legitimate reviews are inevitably caught in the filter. This is the price we have to pay given the reality of efforts to mislead consumers.”

Will that be enough to finally quell the rumors? Probably not. Nothing short of full disclosure of Yelp’s secretive filtering process may be enough to appease the critics. The company has been sued a number of times, and there’s even a website called, which is a lightning rod for angry, despondent entrepreneurs who say to have been burned by the site.

Those user reviews can definitely make or break small businesses, so it’s understandable why there’s a demand for transparency. But both sides make compelling arguments. According to Yelp, if the algorithms and filtering process were known, people would be able to use the info to “game” the system.

What’s your take on Yelp? Have you seen any businesses unfairly harmed by them, or do you put your stock in those reviews? Let us know whether or not you trust Yelp ratings in the comments. If you’re not sure, then check out The Washington Post‘s eye-opening coverage in the video below and see if that clarifies things for you.

via TechnoBuffalo